A little Update!

Crazy to think it’s been a year and a half!! In some ways, coming back from Ukraine with our girls feels like yesterday, and in a lot of other ways, as my mom might say, it feels like many, many moons ago.

There have been people here and there that have asked I write an update, so I thought I’d take a couple of minutes and jot down a few things.  Truth is, it takes me a lot more than a couple of minutes to write stuff, and in this season of life, I need all the mental calories I can conserve.  🙂  Tricky to sum up a year and half,  but here goes….

Marni and Josiah are in 3rd grade this year.  I decided to request them be in the same class this year thinking that their opposite personalities might bring out the best in each other.  I’m not sure if that has been the case, but I can tell you it has made life much easier for this momma. Really helped streamline a lot of things for us this year!

We enrolled Marni in Ballet last year thinking she might like it since the Ukrainian orphanages were big on teaching the kids dance.  I was really wrong. Half way through ballet season she was asking if she would ever have to come back.  I knew she was a tomboy, but I clearly underestimated.  She found her niche with soccer last fall and right now she is really enjoying gymnastics, but also looking forward to basketball next year.

One side note, she and Josiah just finished up a one day a week after school activity.  Its sponsored by the school PTO and the kids pick what activities they wanted.  Josiah picked slot cars and Marni picked kickball.  Turned out the day Marni got there she was the only girl among a gym full of boys. I thought she would be uncomfortable and want to change activities, but she said she was fine with it.  The last time I picked her up she said she made 2 home runs and the boys were fighting for her to be on their team. 🙂

Titus is in second grade this year and is doing really well.  He and Marni continue to be good buddies. They love to get super silly together and they’re really good at that.  Titus started basketball this year and had a great time, although he is a bit timid on the court because he’s afraid of hurting other people especially when he’s up against a girl.

Fun with Dad!

Fun with Dad!

Jubilee turned four in December and is in preschool. She’s has made some great strides in the last few months.  She goes to a morning preschool where she receives occupational therapy, speech therapy and physical therapy.  Sweet girl gets put to work, that is for sure!  She comes home pretty tired most days, but seems to like going to school.

Jubilee running toward the morning bus!

Jubilee running toward the morning bus!

Just recently her PT reported she is riding her tricycle! Huge news.  She can also use scissors now and is really good at multiplying one piece of paper into many little ones. One of the biggest things we’re celebrating is her ability to communicate more.  Although we knew she understood everything we said and was pretty apt at finding her own way to communicate, she was pretty nonverbal for quite some time.  In the last couple of months, she had a bit of a breakthrough and is talking so much more now (when she wants to talk, of course).

Jubilee truly is a special little girl. She can light up a room like nobody I’ve ever seen.  She loves connecting with people and will stop on a dime for ANY baby.  She also has one of those personalities people refer to as “strong willed.”  There are other words for it too. 🙂  It can be challenging, but I am so grateful for this.  I know it’s going to serve her well in life.  Her spunk and determination persevered her life while she was in Ukraine! I have no doubt of that. She is a fighter!  Oh, and another great piece of news! Its been almost a year since her last seizure!!! Woohoo.  She typically had them with a fever, but this past year she had a few fevers with no seizures, so we’re taking this as a really good sign!!

Jubliee's first time to see a movie on the big screen!

Jubliee’s first time to see a movie on the big screen!

Mom and Dad are doing well too. 🙂 The Lord has been faithful to see that! Adopting two children was a huge transition for us. I think its fair to say that we had some struggles emotionally after the honeymoon wore off.  I heard an adoptive Mom and author say one time to not trust your feelings for at least a year after adopting and I wholeheartedly agree. The year after our adoption brought many extremely new fun times with great elation, but there were equally hard times fighting for perseverance, understanding and bonds.  I would even go as far to say there were times we battled spiritually for a true perspective. Some might say the enemy battles to keep children from being adopted, and I would argue He might be even more at work after the adoption in the only place left to fight…. our hearts.

Personally, I think I experienced some adrenal fatigue post-adoption. I was feeling the accumulated stress and was tired all the time, hormones were all out of whack and mood and outlook were lacking. 🙂 Thankfully a friend in the adoption community introduced me to a nutritional cleanse that was literally a GIFT from the hand of God. 🙂 Totally changed my health and gave me what I needed to parent with energy and strength. It was a game-changer for me.

Well, I know I’ve left some gaps unintentionally, but hopefully I’ve done an okay job giving you an idea how the girls are doing and how our family is faring a year and half post-adoption! I have been recording a little bit of our lives on Instagram.  I love how easy, simple and fun Instagram is.  If you want to keep up with us that way, i’m at @christiejjones

Speaking of instagram, I posted these pictures on our one year anniversary of becoming a family of 6.  I wrote these words with it …

Adoption had been both hard and pure joy. At times uncomfortable, with tears and a fight for new life.  But by grace, marked by laughter multiplied.  For two little girls, its been redemption.  For this family of six, a true gift.

Celebrating our year anniversary at an orchard in Warwick, NY

Celebrating our year anniversary at an orchard in Warwick, NY

34 thoughts on “A little Update!

  1. So sweet! I’m going to second Ann; thank you for opening up to all of us and sharing this beautiful journey. xoxo

  2. Christie, you are blessed and a blessing to a precious family. Thanks for sharing. I miss you and your sweet family.

    • Thank you Sara! We miss you all so much!! Always think of you and your ministry when I look through Josiah’s Awana book! 🙂

  3. This is what I needed! This momma out here in the north Idaho mountains has felt so disconnected to your family who I love so much. Thanks for sharing your story, Christie. We continue to pray for all of you.

  4. Thank you for the update, Christie. It sure isn’t easy, but it’s the right thing, and your & Jarrod’s courage and perseverance is a beautiful thing. Makes me think of 2 Corinthians 4:8-12:

    “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that his life may be revealed in our mortal body. So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you.”

    Through your sacrifice & suffering & devotion, life is at work in Marni & Jubilee. Praise God.

    • Thanks old friend. From one adoptive parent to another, thank you for the encouragement. That verse is good medicine for the soul.

  5. So happy to hear this. Life is definitely like a box of chocolates without the map (aka the guide in the cover). Your family is beautiful and admirable! Thanks for sharing. ♥

  6. That is great news indeed. They are blessed to have people(parents) like you folks and vice-versa. The joy your children express in their little faces(specially the girls) reflects the joy & love they are experiencing at home. May the Lord continue to bless you guys in your journey and keep you in His Service.Thanks for sharing! God bless!

  7. By sharing your update, we are prompted to remember that you still need an army of prayer supporters!! God bless you for taking on this loving journey ~ costly in many ways, but yielding such remarkable dividends for those sweet girls & your boys!
    Hang in there!

  8. Loved hearing about your family. On the little one…Independent and Determined… we have one of those…. She is now 13 1/2 going on 25. She has been like this SINCE THE DAY SHE WAS BORN!! She wouldn’t even open her mouth for the nurse to check her palette!!! But, we have found, that we have had to redirect her efforts over the years. Determination!! You bet ya… 30 ft wall, she will figure out how to climb it!! So instead of saying NO, we have had to teach her to use the safety harness, since she will do it anyway. Challenging for parents, but it has served her well in life so far!! Look at it as a positive!! Many Hugs.

  9. How amazing God works! .. I’ve had the absolute pleasure of being a teacher in Jubilees promiseland class! What an amazing gift she is. Her willingness to keep up with everyone and never skips a beat.. reminds me of the: always pray.. when nessasary use words. That statement is SO her. She really brings light to the room and my wife and I when we teach! What a blessing yall are living through Gods Glory!

    • Aww,love this! Thanks for sharing that! I always wonder how she is in class! 😉 Thanks for your encouragement! Blessings!

  10. U inspire me Christie to want to b a better mom!!
    It’s amazing to see how pursuit of faith brings full circle to joy and clarity..and sobering to hear ur testament to satins determination:(
    I love ur heart and seeing ur beautiful family brings a smile to mine:)
    Peace n luv sista..xoxo

  11. Christie
    Thanks for this terrific info on your beautiful family – Huggs to All- We Love you guys !! Metzgers NY xoxoxo

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